Survival Archery Systems offers 5 compact archery solutions.

Our flagship Atmos compact hunter comes in two Cerakote colors.

Each version packs down way smaller than a takedown recurve, but still delivers the goods!

Below we'll go over how to choose the best takedown bow version for you?

Which bow do I choose?

The right bow for you depends on your needs. We assume you need something more compact than a takedown recurve? Here's our compact Ranger bow (above on mobile) next to two takedown recurves as an example. A huge difference in a pack!

We also assume you need a bow made out of non-organic materials that can withstand whatever nature throws at you. Our aerospace grade aluminum, composite limbs and stainless steel hardware are engineered to last.

Which is the best takedown bow for you depends on a couple of factors:

1. The use of the bow - Do you need a pure survival hunting tool or an everyday compact setup?

2. The size of your pack - Do you want to fit it in a small one-day pack or is space not an issue? Do you want to store takedown arrows inside the riser?

3. The need for bow mounted accessories or not - Do you want to be able to add sights, quivers, etc or do you prefer to shoot instinctively?

  • 60" Tactical Survival Bow with internal takedown arrow storage

    The original time-tested Tactical survival bow was developed to be carried in a one-day pack and is therefore our most compact 60” bow. It stores 3 takedown arrows inside the riser and packs down to just 21”.

    To get it this short we had to design it in a way that requires you to flip one of the limbs around during setup. It takes about 15sec with no tools required.

    This bow does not have mounting points for accessories such as sights and quivers.

  • 62" Recon Folding Survival Bow with internal arrow storage

    Some folks don’t mind a slightly longer bow as they use a bigger pack, such as a backpacking pack or ILBE. So we decided to offer the Recon bow, which is pretty much the same as the Tactical bow when setup, except it’s 62” when strung, 24.5” when stored and the limbs simply unfold during assembly, with no need to flip a limb around. It of course can store 3 takedown arrows like it’s smaller brother, the Tactical bow, and is our fastest deploying bow.

    This bow does not have mounting points for accessories such as sights ands quivers.

  • 60" Ranger Takedown Bow with internal arrow storage

    The Ranger takedown bow is a centershot bow designed for those who want to mount accessories. It is similar to our Scout bow, except it is the wider of the two bows and is able to store 3 takedown arrows in its riser cavity. The total packed length is 22"

    Once the takedown arrows are stored in place there is a synch strap that tightens everything down for transport.

    As with all our straight riser bows, you shoot this using a flat longbow style grip which makes shooting this bow comfortable and stable.

  • 60" Scout Takedown Bow (no internal arrow storage)

    The Scout has a narrower riser than the Ranger and a more rounded grip, but cannot store takedown arrows inside the riser. The total packed length is 22"

    The Scout comes into its own when you are carrying full length arrows or have space to store takedown arrows elsewhere, especially if you want to carry more than 3 arrows. This is a popular choice for those with a bit more space who want a bow that is slightly more comfortable in the hand.

    This centershot riser has mounting points for accessories such as sights and quivers.

  • 60" Atmos Compact Takedown Longbow

    Lastly we have our flagship bow, the Atmos. It’s not a survival bow; rather it was designed as a compact hunting bow that can be easily carried in and out of the field in a small backpack, yet still has the look and feel of a modern bow. The grip is similar to a compound bow's grip and the weight and balance are fine tuned for hunting from a tree-stand or ground blind. The centershot riser is billet machined which means it’s incredibly durable and like all our other bows it’s made in the USA. Coated with Cerakote and finished off with a G10 grip set, it’s loved by most everyone who sees or shoots it.

Which bow is best for you?

To choose your bow first determine:

1. Which size bag you want to carry your bow in?

2. If you need internal arrows storage and accessories?

3. If you need a bow for survival or a more premium bow like the Atmos.

Then choose your bow by clicking on the options below and adding to cart. Otherwise here's an overview (above on mobile) to compare them directly.

Atmos compact hunting bow!

Whitetail deer taken with a 40# bow and a complete pass through.

Get a flagship Atmos here!